Hawzah News Agency (Qom, Iran) -The Qur’an is the principle source of every Muslim’s faith and practice, but its basic theme is the relationship between God and His creatures and provides guidelines for a just society, proper human conduct and equitable economic principles. For next 100 days we are presenting some short articles on ethical issues that have been written based on the verses of Qur’an.
Do you ever get around a certain person and feel uneasiness or unrest? Something inside says, “Stay away. That is trouble.” That is what the Holy Qur’an warning you: “And that day the wrongdoer will bite on his hand and say: “I wish I did not take so and so as a friend! He has misguided me from the remembrance”. (Qur’an; 25:28)
It may be small, but it can keep you from a big heartache. You might say, “Well, if I do not hang out with them, I may not have any friends.” No, God will give you new friends. He will give you better friends. The key is: if you do not let go of the wrong people, the right people will not show up. This is not talking about a relationship already committed in marriage, but relationships outside of marriage. God does not force us to let go of wrong relationships. He has given us our own free will. But when God asks you to give something up, He is never trying to take something away. He is trying to get something better to you. As we obey Him, we grow and mature which opens the door for more of His blessings and favor. He almighty says: “Anyone who reverences and obeys God (and is wary of Him), He makes everything easy for him”. (Qur’an; 65:4)
Remember, bad company corrupts good character. Let go of friends or influences that you know are dragging you down. Trust God to bring the right people and connections across your path. Let go of wrong relationships and move forward in the blessing He has prepared for you. And remember that “Anyone who puts his trust in God, then He suffices him. God's commands will be done. God has decreed for everything its fate”. (Qur’an; 65:3)
Noble Words
Author: Abolfazl Sabouri
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